John McDonnell MP Ann Pettifor John Palmer Prem Sikka and many more…
Marx Memorial Library: 37a Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU
10.45 for 11.00 to 17.00
No need to pre-register for this event but we welcome confirmations of intention to attend as well as apologies (especially for the formal AGM).
Due to time constraints attendees are encouraged to bring a sandwich rather than relying on nearby shops and cafes.
Refreshments will be available.
The next Labour Government
Simply Managing Crisis or Government with a Vision?
Duncan Bowie, Julie Ward and Don Flynn.
The Economy – Borrowing and Taxing and the Transition to Net Zero
John Palmer, Ann Pettifor and Prem Sikka (tbc).
Europe, the Ukraine War and the World
John McDonnell MP, Glyn Ford (tbc), Yulia Yurchenko, Pete Duncan.
The Spaces for Radicalism & Resistance:
How can Chartist influence the direction of travel?
Mary Southcott, Bryn Jones and Mike Davis
Chartist AGM (Supporter Subscribers only)