
What has gone wrong with Brexit?

Philip Gough  on the fantasies and realities It can be argued that the UK’s exit from the EU happened by accident. Feeling threatened by UKIP...

Low in detail but high stakes on Starmer’s ‘growth’ plan

Paul Teasdale argues that a deal with the EU will be critical for the success of Labour’s industrial strategy  

Timing is everything

Calls for Britain to rejoin the European Union are ill-timed and counter-productive, says Peter Kenyon. PR and a UK-wide Northern Ireland arrangement could start the process. Will Starmer get it? 

Secrecy on trade after Brexit

Victor Anderson says trade talks have become more important for two reasons: Brexit and Biden

No future for isolated Britain

John Palmer asks what now for the pro-EU internationalist left after the Brexit disaster

Does Labour have a foreign policy?

Denis MacShane finds little evidence in the affirmative

Supply chain chaos? Blame the immigrants!

Is the suppression of migration the price that has to be paid for the transition to a high wage economy? Don Flynn argues it rather sets the scene for a long period of economic depression that will impact on all workers

What does Labour say on Europe now?

With Rishi Sunak apparently increasingly walking off with Keir Starmer's Brexit policy, how does Labour position itself on Europe now? asks Denis MacShane.

Brexit damage compounded by Johnson incompetence

The UK economy faces a triple threat – two of which are of the Government’s making, says Paul Teasdale

View from the European left

Josef Weidenholzer says the UK departure from the EU should not be the start of blame games

A withered fruit

Helen Hayes warns of the damaging consequences of the Tory hard Brexit deal

A welcome requiem for the English Empire?

Glyn Ford on post-Brexit fantasies