Making sense of a Broken Economy

Capitalist tech barons, led by Elon Musk, seek to enhance their power and profits at the expense of workers. Movements focussed on class and...

The bigger they come the harder they fall

Sharing the wrong platforms? Bryn Jones looks at the problems with Labour’s wooing of Big Tech and asks how it will really help economic development Labour...

John Sunderland – Labour and gay socialist activist

Mike Davis remembers a committed life John Sunderland died on the eve of the new year. John was a long-standing, thoughtful and committed socialist and...

The bigger they come the harder they fall

Sharing the wrong platforms? Bryn Jones looks at the problems with Labour’s wooing of Big Tech and asks how it will really help economic development Labour...

John Sunderland – Labour and gay socialist activist

Mike Davis remembers a committed life John Sunderland died on the eve of the new year. John was a long-standing, thoughtful and committed socialist and...

Riding two horses

Editorial 333 The political world has shifted on its axis. Pax Americana is over. Donald Trump has made it very clear that Europe has to defend itself, to...

Russian troops out of Ukraine

No peace without justice Chris Ford and Mike Davis report on Trump's appeasement plan and on demonstrations of solidarity with Ukraine Ukraine has faced a barrage...

Creeping neo-fascist coup

Paul Garver says Trump 2.0 threatens the American constitutional system and democracy much more than Trump 1.0 Donald Trump was as surprised as the rest...

Who shouldn’t be in prison?

As Labour invests in more prisons Mickey Master looked at sentencing in our last issue. Here he examines wrongful imprisonment. Are there any innocent people...

Is our empire doomed?

Bryn Jones investigates whether there are Roman lessons in the fall of its empire for Europe and the USA? Wars, economic disarray, social conflicts: how...
New Democracy Supplement
International Supplement

Uxbridge not a bellwether

In the wake of the Uxbridge by-election Bryn Jones says Labour’s wobbling on green policies will not win it any votes

Driscoll affair echoes Livingstone

Will Jamie Driscoll’s departure be a repeat of the Livingstone London mayor fiasco? asks Trevor Fisher

Labour’s National Policy Forum must back proportional representation

The vast majority of CLPs support it, as do two-thirds of affiliated trade unions. So, will the NPF accept the case for PR? Maximilian Czekalski explains why it should

No time to stay silent

Margaret Owen asks why Starmer is ignoring the obvious ways to win the women’s vote


Don’t let the car manufacturers off the hook David Toke on sticking to electric vehicle timetables and Labour U-turns It is vital to defend the current...

Paul Salveson on the best transport secretary we never really had?

So, goodbye Louise Haigh, your tenure as transport secretary was all too short. I referred in a previous Chartist to her comments about P&O...

Who they come for first… 

Don Flynn on avoiding the vortex towards fascism Disaster Nationalism: The Downfall of Liberal Civilisation by Richard Seymour published by Verso There are many worrying signs that...

History will judge inaction harshly

Andy McDonald MP on Labour’s equivocation on Israeli genocide A new report from Amnesty International reflects how yet another respected organisation found that what is...